LaunchHill is a venture capital firm cofounded by seasoned venture capitalists from Empower Investment ( and mission-driven scientists. We primarily focus our investment on deep technology driven ventures in early stage. During the past several years, we have invested dozens of high-tech startups in China, U.S., India, South Korea and Hong Kong. Our portfolio companies cover areas including big data, artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, advanced materials, energy storage and bioengineering.
Technology powers our future. We are eager to find those visionary, determined and down-to-earth inventors and entrepreneurs, and help them launch their products and services which are enabled by their cutting-edge technology as soon as possible. It will be our greatest honor to make an impact to the future together with the greatest intellects in our generation.
中证网讯(王珞)近日,证监会核发了北京格灵深瞳信息技术股份有限公司(以下简称“格灵深瞳”)的 IPO 公开首发批文,按照相关规定,公司即将启动科创板发行工作事宜。
2021 年 12 月 29 日下午,以 “发掘生物科技行业未来独角兽” 为宗旨的 “第四届粤港澳大湾区生物科技创新企业50强颁奖典礼暨大湾区生物科技创新发展峰会” 在广州南沙举行。泰莱生物(全称 “深圳泰莱生物科技有限公司”,下文简称 “泰莱生物”)凭借自主研发并搭建的多组学平台,以及旗下基于多组学的肺结节良恶性鉴别诊断技术和基于代谢组学成果的泛肿瘤普早筛技术,被评为 “粤港澳大湾区生物科技创新 50 强企业”。